Bajou,Boozoo - Satta!


  • 1. Yma
  • 2. Camioux
  • 3. Night Over Manuas
  • 4. Divers
  • 5. Bakar
  • 6. Down & Out
  • 7. Yoruba Road
  • 8. Under My Sensi
  • 9. Lava
  • 10. Satta

  • 4 comentarios:

    Anónimo dijo...

    track 03-night over manaus... is amazing

    pyrata dijo...

    i really don't mind when other bloggers post my up loads, but a simple mention of the source where you've picked up these 3 albuns would be nice.
    P )»

    Roanospa dijo...

    Sí, en cada título incluyo el link al post original.

    pyrata dijo...
